My Home Base

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I have a real name, but at home I often go weeks without hearing it. At home, I’m “Mom,” “Mommy,” “hey,” and sometimes a combination of the three. My husband uses other words — I think we call these terms of endearment (does “Miss Mommy Lady” count as a term of endearment??). But essentially, I’ve found that since joining the ranks of the mommies in our world, I’ve gained another thing in common with my husband. I hardly ever hear my name. Instead, I have a nickname — or a call sign. The hubs, is a retired Marine aviator. So he has a call sign–or he had one. But in the place we live, there are lots of former military aviators wandering around, and the call signs I tell you, do. Not. Die. His is not “Maverick,” if you’re wondering. The guys he works with tend to give guys somewhat less illustrious names than that, and when I married my husband, I associated with all manner of crazy-named people. (None of whom were named “Maverick” though some had actually been to Top Gun.)

So my call sign — for the foreseeable future — is Mommy. And this blog is about what life is like for us, as a family, and for me, as a mom and a woman trying to accomplish all manner of things amid the chaos that is life with boys. I’ve got two of them if you don’t count the hubs, and they keep us jumping. They’re ten and eight right now.

Who am I, really? Aside from being Mommy, you mean? Hey, it turns out I do have a life outside of that!

I’m a writer. I have a day job as a marketing and communications manager, freelance as an editor, and I also write romance novels, which you can find here.

But honestly, right now… I’m mostly a mommy. Maybe you know how that feels.

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